

Found 272 publications.

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García Gallego, M. Aurora and Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1999)
Multiproduct Activity in an Experimental Differentiated Oligopoly

------------ Working Papers ------------

García Gallego, M. Aurora and Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1999)
Persuasive Advertising in Vertically Differentiated Markets

------------ Working Papers ------------

García Gallego, M. Aurora and Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1999)
Profitability and welfare consequéces of a change in the consumer's attitude towards quéity

------------ Working Papers ------------

García Gallego, M. Aurora and Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1999)
Quéitative Aspects of Persuasive Advertising in Vertically Differentiated Markets

------------ Working Papers ------------

Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos and Sabater Grande, Gerardo (1999)
Un Test Experimental sobre los Efectos de la Aversi??n al Riesgo en el Dilema de los presos repetido Infinitamente

------------ Working Papers ------------

García Gallego, M. Aurora , Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos and Petit, M.V. (1998)
Competition Intensity vs. Service quéity: On the Distribution of Para-Pharmaceutical Products in Spain
García Gallego, A., Georgantzís, N. and M.V. Petit (1998), Competition Intensity vs. Service quéity: On the Distribution of Para-Pharmaceutical Products in Spain, in S. Martin (ed.), Competition Policies in Europe (Contributions to Economic Analysis Series), 351-379, Amsterdam: Elsevier North Holland.
------------ Publications ------------

Ginés Vilar, Miguel (1998)
Efficiency, monotonicity and rationality in public good economies
Ginés, M. and F. Marhuenda (1998), Efficiency, monotonicity and rationality in public good economies,Economic Theory 12, 423-432.
------------ Publications ------------

García Gallego, M. Aurora (1998)
Oligopoly Experimentation of Learning with Simulated Markets
A. García Gallego (1998), Oligopoly Experimentation of Learning with Simulated Markets, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 35, 333-355.
------------ Publications ------------

García Gallego, M. Aurora and Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1995)
Competitive and Predatory Multi-Plant Location Decisions
García Gallego, A. and Georgantzís, N. (1995), Competitive and Predatory Multi-Plant Location Decisions, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, WP-EC 95-03 (ISBN: 84-482-0921-4).
------------ Working Papers ------------

Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos , Rojas-Blaya, J.A. and Sabater Grande, Gerardo (1994)
Self Selection of Firms in Two Endogenously Determined Groups Proposing a Merger
Georgantzís, N., Rojas-Blaya, J.A. and Sabater Grande, G. (1994), Self Selection of Firms in Two Endogenously Determined Groups Proposing a Merger, Papers de DiscussióPD 94/6, Universidad Jaume I.
------------ Working Papers ------------

Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1994)
Short-Run and Long-Run Cournot Equéibria in Multiproduct Industries
Georgantzís, N. (1994), Short-Run and Long-Run Cournot Equéibria in Multiproduct Industries, EUI Working Paper ECO No. 94/23.
------------ Working Papers ------------

Georgantzí­s, Nikolaos (1992)
The Effects of Mergers on Potential Competition in the Presence of Economies and Diseconomies of Joint Production
Georgantzís, N. (1992), The Effects of Mergers on Potential Competition in the Presence of Economies and Diseconomies of Joint Production, EUI Working Paper ECO No. 92/67.
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