The Laboratorio de Economía Experimental (LEE) at the University Jaume I of Castellón, Spain (officially founded: January 2003) is installed in the first floor of the Research Building II of the University Jaume I.

Along the –not always smooth– way to our current situation, many people have contributed with good will, wishes and actions. We mention some of our most active early supporters in order of appearance: Alan Kirman, Stephen Martin, Antoni Bosch, Vicente Salas, Jordi Brandts, Amparo Urbano, Enrique Fatás, Tibor Neugebauer, Juan Andrés Bort, Robin Pope, Pedro Schwartz and Charles Noussair. We apologise to an unfairly long list of supporters who were omitted from the text but not from our memory. In 2010 the LEE changed location from the Faculty of Law and Economics to the new Research Building II, upgrading its servers and expanding its capacity from 36 to 66 clients. Becoming thus one of the largest Experimental Economics Labs in Europe.
The subject recruitment and data collection and storage protocols established by our ethics committee comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive and other rules concerning the protection of personal data in Europe.